Version-1 (Nov-Dec-2013)
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Abstract: The thermal maturity parameter used in the evaluation of the hydrocarbon generative potential of the sedimentary organic matter is based largely on the extent of molecular transformation of the biological markers due to geothermal stress which is a function of depth or burial history. In particular the transformations leading to the formation of Polynuclear Aromatics usually occur at the end of diagenesis up to the onset of catagenesis. . An in-depth study of the transformation leading to the formation of polynuclear aromatic steroidal hydrocarbons revealed a step by step thermally mediated aromatization of the non-aromatic biogenic species during diagenetic/catagenetic evolution of organic matter in an anoxic environment. Since the formation of PAHs is a heat mediated process which increases with depth, then its concentration or the amount per unit mass of the rock sample can be used to estimate the thermal maturity of organic matter in the sediment .In light of the above, this work has evaluated the distribution profile of the PAHs in the Cretaceous sediments of the Calabar Flank using Gas Chromatograph interfaced to a Mass Spectrometer (GC-MS),an analytical tool combination widely used in the study of petroleum geochemistry. The results of the study based on the most dominant polynucear aromatic species namely, anthracene and phenanthrene revealed that Nkporo Shale(NS)samples from various locations in the Basin had a average PAH of 0.05mg/Kg (anthracene) and 0.06mg/Kg (phenanthrene).While the PAH value of Ekenkpon Shale(ES) samples was on the average 0.01mg/Kg and 0.02mg/Kg for anthracene and phenanthrene respectively. New Netim Marl(NNM) however gave the PAH value of only 0.001mg/Kg for phenanthrene and nil for anthracene .On the other hand Awi Sandstone (AS), Mfamosing Limestone (ML) and Nkporo Mudstone(NM) all fell within the non-detectable range. Based on the foregoing, PAH values can be used to evaluate the maturation level of organic matter in the sediments.
Keywords: Cretaceous Sediments, Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Thermal Maturity, Distribution Profile
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Abstract: The present paper presents a new approach for total ozone column forecasting using an Artificial Neural Network technique for Baghdad, Iraq. Total ozone column data for the period (1979-2000) were used as training and the period (2009-2011) for testing and one year(2012) for forecasting also the combination of meteorological elements have been used as input parameters (stratospheric temperature, Geopotential height and zonal wind). at 50 and 70 mb respectively. The developed ANN models are being applied for aimed at providing forecasts in a near real time schedule, different network types were tested with different kinds of input information. Preliminary tests showed that a generalized feed forward ANN model using Gaussian activation function achieved the optimum forecasting of total ozone column.
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Abstract:The sedimentary deposit is a part of the south of Lampang basin with the age of Tertiary to present. Clays in this deposit was divided into three layers covered with red clay. Clay layers were overburden which was the clay overlying on top of coal seam; interburden was the clays lie between coal seams; and underburden was the clay lie under coal seam. The basement rock was rhyolitic tuff. Major minerals found were quartz, kaolinite, illite, potassium feldspar and montmorillonite, respectively. There was no distinct relationship of quartz content in each clay layers. However, kaolinite and illite contents slightly increased in deeper clay layers. Additionally, montmorillonite presented in basement rock sample and some of overburden clay.
Keywords: ceramic, clays, Lampang, mineralogical, sedimentary
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Abstract:Being seismically most active, Northeast India claims the need of high quality of seismic investigation to mitigate the risk of lives and properties of the region for which a well documented earthquake catalog is of prime importance. But the seismic surveillance of the area was in infantile stage till the 7th decade of last century. Prior to which scientific information about earthquakes of the area was not available. In the present study an attempt has been made to prepare a comprehensive earthquake catalog pertaining the rectangular area from 210 N to 29.50 N and 880 E to 97.50 E for last 110 years based on the available catalog of United States Geological Survey and International seismological Center.
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Abstract: Geophysical investigation involving the use of vertical electrical sounding (VES) technique was employed in the search for potential ground water target at twenty (20) locations within parts of Pegi, in Kuje Area Council of the Federal Capital Territory, Nigeria. The results of the survey indicated the presence of at least two layers of overburden (1.2-32m thick and 10Ω-m to 2,300Ω-m) before the bedrock. The resistivity of the basement varies from 168Ω-m to 6,300Ω-m.A transition zone of considerable thickness composed majorly of partly weathered bedrock underlies about two-third of the surveyed area.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Limitation of motion |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nikhil A. Khomane |
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: | 10.9790/0990-02613335 ![]() |
Abstract:In this paper, I describe the actual limit of motion i.e. nothing can get complete stabilization nor can cross the speed of light. I use here two separate methods or formulas to prove it.
Relativity the general and special theory. GLOSSARY: m-relativistic mass m0-initial mass F-force t-proper time t‟-relativistic time u-initial velocity v-final velocity c-speed of light a-acceleration
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Abstract: El Gilf El Kiber area is located in the Southwestern part of the western desert, Egypt which is delineated by longitudes 25° to 26° 30' E and latitudes 22° to 23° 20' N, at the border between Egypt with Libya and Sudan. It is considered as one of the most important promising areas of reclamation and urban growth. The area approximately covers 16600 Km2. The rock units in the study area can be arranged in ages from Precambrian (mainly granite) to Quaternary (mainly sand).
4]. Abdel Fattah, M. F., (2005) Petrological and Geochemical Studies on the Basement Rocks of Northeast Gabal Uweinat area, Western Desert, Egypt. Ph.D thesis, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt.
[5]. Ali M.M., 2009: Acquisition, processing and interpretation of airborne magnetic and gamma-ray spectrometry survey data of elkharga area, central Western Desert, Egypt, M.Bc. Thesis, Menoufiya university, Menoufia, Egypt.
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[8]. Darnley, A. G., Ford, K. L., 1989: Regional airborne gamma-ray surveys, a review. Proceedings of Exploration, 87; Third Decennial Inter-national Conference on Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration for Minerals and Groundwater, edited by G. D. Garland, Ontario, Canada, Geol. Sur., Can., Special V.3 pp 229-240.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Two Neighbouring Strike Slip Faults and Their Interaction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Papiya Debnath, Sanjay Sen |
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: | 10.9790/0990-02614456 ![]() |
Abstract: Seismically active regions are usually associated with fault-systems comprising of a number of neighbouring faults. A movement across any one of them influences the nature of stress accumulation near the others. There may be regions of stress accumulation and/or stress release due to a movement across a fault. This interaction depends upon the relative position of the faults with respect to one another and also on the inclinations of the faults. Analytical expressions for the displacements, stresses and strains are computed using Green's function technique and correspondence principle. Numerical computation have been carried out to find out the interactions among such faults.
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[4] L.M. Catlhes III, The viscoelasticity of the Earths mantle (Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J, 1975.15)
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Abstract: Rural tourism can pave the way for rural areas' development as a type of tourism. The negative consequences of tourism in these areas have led to destruction of the environment. This survey research has aimed to recognize the negative consequences of tourists' presence in Neyshabour rural environment and has had a sample of 361 villagers and 32 experts. The findings suggest that the threshold of environmental vulnerability of rural areas with tourist attraction is high and the tourists' presence has negative consequences such as water and soil pollution, farming and gardening land degradation, change of land use, wildlife damage and litter accumulation. The suggestions presented in the paper can reduce the negative impacts of tourism on the rural environment.
Index Terms: Rural Tourism, Environment, Tourism, Neyshabour.
[1] Abraham, H., Roshandel, T. (2004) Factors Mvsrdrgrdshgry on understanding tourists' expectations gap analysis model (Case study: Tourism Area Sareyn Wiki) Business Management, No. 8.
[2] Firoozabadi, A., I. Jajarm, H. (2012) Villagers satisfaction factors related to the two which function (sample villages in Qazvin province) Rural Studies, Vol III, Issue 1. Madhoushi, M. (2003) Assessing barriers to the development of the tourism industry in the province, Journal of Business Research, No. 28. Statistical Center of Iran, 2013.
[3] J Clark, W.A.V. and Dieleman,F.M. (1996); Households and Housing:choise and outcomes in the housing market , new Bruns-wick, center for urban policy Research.
[4] Kitchin , R., Blades, M. and Reginalal G., G. (2002)."Relation between. Psychology and geography",Urban Studies , No 10
[5] Rezvani, M. (2011) Development of rural tourism, sustainable tourism approach, Tehran University Press. Radial, AS, Moses, Citizen, C. (2011) level of the city in terms of tourism infrastructure using Topsis and AHp, urban and regional studies, number ten.
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Abstract: Level of tourists' satisfaction, discovering factors affecting their satisfaction and efforts to attract their satisfaction are among the important factors in attracting tourists and developing tourism In an area. This study is a survey and has aimed to determine the level of tourists' satisfaction of rural facilities and services in Neyshabour. It had a sample size of 384 Tourists. Findings show that tourists' satisfaction with facilities and services available in rural areas is low; however, due to high tourist attractions willingness to travel to rural areas is high which indicates the need for more attention to the development of tourism facilities and services.
Keywords: Rural tourism, satisfaction, Facilities and services, Neyshabour.
[1] Abraham, H., Roshandel, T. (2004) FactorsMvsrdrgrdshgryonunderstandingtourists' expectations gap analysismodel(Case study: TourismAreaSareynWiki) Business Management, No. 8.
[2] Firoozabadi, A., I. Jajarm, H. (2012) Villagerssatisfactionfactors related tothe two whichfunction(sample villages inQazvin province) RuralStudies, Vol III,Issue1. Madhoushi, M.(2003) Assessingbarriers tothe development ofthe tourism industry inthe province, Journal of BusinessResearch, No. 28. Statistical Center of Iran, 2013.
[3] J Clark, W.A.V. and Dieleman,F.M. (1996); Households and Housing:choise and outcomes in the housing market , new Brunswick, center for urban policy Research.
[4] Kitchin , R., Blades, M. and Reginalal G., G. (2002)."Relation between. Psychology and geography",Urban Studies , No 10
[5] Rezvani, M. (2011) Developmentof rural tourism, sustainable tourismapproach, Tehran University Press. Radial, AS, Moses,Citizen, C.(2011) levelof the cityin termsoftourisminfrastructureusingTopsisandAHp,urbanand regionalstudies, numberten.
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Abstract: Distinguishing multiples from primaries and transforming them into useful signals has been one of the most serious difficulties faced by Geophysicists when processing and interpreting data. Multiples are multiplicative events seen in seismic sections which often seriously impedes correct mapping of the subsurface geology in search of oil and gas reservoirs. These events have undergone more than one reflection. In this paper, we present an approach to transform shot gathers from multiple reflections into primaries by combining a multi-channel weighted cross-correlation (WCC) with surface-related multiple elimination (SRME). The new primaries obtained from the combination exhibit the same kinematics as the original dataset with few transformation artefacts. We also demonstrate that this primaries can accurately estimate missing traces as long as the gaps are within the acquisition spread.While this combination allows the transformation of multiples into primaries for surface seismic data, the latter means that nonlinear seismic imaging can be implemented by a number of linear steps. The result shows that the multiple reflections contain a wealth of information that should be used in seismic processing to improve the resolution of reservoir images beyond current capability.
Keywords: Multiple reflection, Surface-Related Multiple Elimination (SRME),Weighted Cross-Correlation (WCC) and Multiple Transformation.
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Abstract: Atmospheric aerosol is important element of atmospheric system and became a major uncertainty in global climate simulation. Therefore proper assessment of aerosol is crucial in current climate diagnostic. In this paper the characteristics of aerosol optical depth (AOD), angstrom exponent (AE) and fine mode fraction (FMF) are derived using MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) remote sensing data over Bangladesh in the last decade. AOD and FMF are increasing across Bangladesh while AE is decreasing. Western part of Bangladesh shows higher AOD along with lower AE and lower FMF.
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[4]. Chu, D.A., Kaufman, Y.J., Zibordi, G., Chern, J.D., Mao, J., Li, C., Holben, B.N., 2003, Global monitoring air pollution over land from the earth observing systemterra moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS), Journal of Geophysical Research 108, D21, doi:10.1029/2002JD003179.